How to Be a Successful Digital Nomad and Start Working Remotely

Written by Lance Cody-Valdez / Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Lately, many employers have started considering teams or individuals working remotely; however, there are certain things to consider before abandoning your physical workplace. So, what does becoming a digital nomad entail? 

For most people, it looks like a dream – exploring the world without making a move from your home. It is certainly a way of being a digital nomad, yet people have different and unique transitioning desires and a location-free lifestyle.

Similarly to how anybody else works, and so is a digital nomad. The only difference here is that you have no specific work as a digital nomad. This mode of operation has many advantages, but the most important thing is proper preparation before starting working remotely. 

Suitable Jobs for a Digital Nomad

Operating as a digital nomad offers many advantages, including earning money while working at home. As such, you have all the freedom you have always yearned for. In fact, many startups are keen on hiring remote workers, and often offer great employment opportunities in big companies.

Some of the jobs you can work in the comfort of your home include:

Virtual AssistantCommonly denoted as VA, this is a new type of job that has grown exponentially alongside the increase in online businesses. As a VA, you are in charge of various different tasks and hence, different responsibility levels.

Freelance writer – The internet offers many job openings in the freelancing field. Often, bloggers outsource their copywriting work to freelance writers and pay them handsomely. As a writer, you may also choose to work at home. If you are an author, you can also work on your book and publish it with the help of Inkwell Book Company.

Other jobs include:

  • Freelance translator
  • Online tutor
  • Online healthcare provider
  • Software project manager
  • Customer care, etc.

As a digital nomad, you can also choose to start your personal freelance business and come up with a business entity. The best way to go about this is by creating a DBA (Doing Business As) name for your business. With a DBA, you can easily form your branch and start operating without using the official name of the registered company. Here, you can offer your services to clients under a different name, and in case your business domain is not available, you can also market your services using another name.

Preparing For a Location-Free Life 

Many aspiring digital nomads tend to undervalue the most critical step: reducing their reliance on physical things. Assuming the digital nomad status implies that you can fold your stuff, transfer on to another town, and start working as usual again. 

Remote working implies total freedom from a particular location. It may seem a bit hard at first to brainstorm all the items you use daily; what should you do regarding your PC, the monitor, chair, or the filling system?

Turning yourself into a digital nomad offers the most opportune time to network your intuitive Marie Kondo; appreciate your massive belongings for their work, get them a new place, and rationalize everything

Normally, people who operate with more than one screen think that one can’t become a digital nomad; yet, these assumptions have become outdated, with portable monitors taking center stage. Ensure you aren’t bringing too many items with you. Luckily, most of these kinds of stuff either include more compacted models (work with a laptop, purchase a movable external monitor) or are not essential (various countries offer free chairs, altogether).

Dispose of some items for new ones; if you purchase a new dress, dispose of the old one. Opt for compacted, multi-purpose items. Reduce the number of devices you cart; voice-call and streaming services applications make your gadgets conference rooms and movie theatres. Shun purchasing things you can do without. 


Given all these benefits, you will want to become a digital nomad. And as mentioned above, this is the best opportunity for you to start thinking of moving to a place where you can relax and do what you love doing most- freelancing. Take advantage of the unlimited job opportunities offered online to earn extra cash from the comfort of your room.